the most special night

A clost-up image of a blue-orange flame with sparks

Join us for the Easter Vigil at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 16th.

A reflection from Pastor Erin on the Easter Vigil, originally shared in 2019:

"OH my gosh. It is just THE most special night."

I've said these words to my friends who are pastors, my friends who aren't sure if they go to church, and pretty much anyone who will listen. I just love the Easter Vigil.

When describing the Easter Vigil to someone who's never been before, I honestly start to feel like SNL's Stefon (now acknowledging that those skits are outdated and problematic) explaining the church's hottest club:

The church's hottest night is VIGIL OF EASTER.
Jesus is BACK and this time he's gone over the top.
This feast has got everything:
flint and steel,
lighting fires in the neighbor's parking lot,
songs about honeybees,
the creation of the universe,
babies, old people, medium people,
bones and fire and

^^This sounds like a joke, but this may as well be a direct quote from my many conversation with friends and strangers about what makes the Three Day Feast so special. All year long we proclaim the mystery of faith: that God lived and died in solidarity among us in Jesus, and that even death couldn't stop this liberating love from spreading like wildfire, and that even now that love is igniting our lives and transforming our world.

Every Sunday we experience that mystery in word and water, bread and wine. But in the Three Days the mystery comes to us in a special way. The mystery is big, and it is all at once. We tell the whole story and it takes THREE days. This is a mystery that finds us washing each other's feet and dancing around the wooden cross, and lighting an actual fire--Because nothing less will do. Because it takes time, and it takes water and fire and story after story to let the fullness and richness of God's mystery sink into our bones and take root in our spirit.

Seriously y'all, this is the. best. night. (or nights).

Come to the church's hottest feast and see for yourself.

Maundy Thursday | April 14, 7:00 p.m. | Holy Communion with footwashing
Good Friday | April 15, 7:00 p.m. | Adoration of the cross
Easter Vigil | April 16, 7:00 p.m. | New fire, old stories, holy mystery

Join us for all three nights, or come as you are able. Children are especially welcome. Talk to Pastor Erin if you'd like to sign up to serve in worship.


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